Wednesday, February 9, 2011

I'll Send you An Invitation Mr. Tiger!!

If anyone here is an avid Rocky fan then they know this from the 2nd movie- The Rematch. Here I am watching Rocky and I absolutely love it. I've been a Rocky fan since... I have no idea when it started but I can definitely tell you it started around the 4th of July years ago. And I do mean YEARS. Rocky is definitely one of the GREATEST movies EVER. Yes, I had to capitalize it, I'm that serious. I mean it has romance and action. Drama and comedy. It's one of the ultimate underdog story. Rocky has class. Even if he isn't that educated he has class. And the way he treats Adrian... what girl wouldn't want to be treated like that? I know I should be getting back to make-up and books but right now this movie has me captivated...